Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tom Sumner Guest Speaker

Tom Sumner came in to class last week to explain the details of book publishing. I can say is that I knew very little about book publishing, but now know a lot more. What I found the most interesting was the technology aspect of publishing and the questions it proposes about the future of the book industry.

I really thought about how almost anyone at this point can pay out of pocket and get a book published. With advances in technology this has become affordable, and granted market access to all writers with some cash. I believe that we are at the forfront of a very disruptive technology change based on this accessablity. When you combine the low entry cost and digital format I suspect that the book industry will experience something similar to the Napster revolution. It will be interesting to see how the publishing industry stays profitale as people seek cheap, alternative and illegal sources of books.

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